
Thanks for stopping by at my humble domain. My name's Abby and I'm a full-stack software developer and a barista!


Word Trees

Stuff I Care About

I'm passionate about creating a comfortable environment in tech for people of all identities and making tech more accessibile to folks of all socioeconomic backgrounds. At App Academy, I hosted a bi-monthly meetup for women, trans, and gender-nonconforming students and grads, where someone gave a tech-related presentation and we connected over our experiences. I also volunteered as a teacher for 3 years with Code Nation, a wonderful organizaiton that brings web development classes to under-resourced high schools. They do some really great work and I definitely encourage you to check them out and get involved if it's something you're interested in!

Aside from coding, I love to make coffee and play soccer and volleyball.

Stuff I Know

I've worked in Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, React, and Redux so I'm pretty good at those things, along with some other skills I've got under my belt:


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read all this! Feel free to reach out if you want to talk about code, my experiences at App Academy, issues regarding diversity and inclusion in tech, coffee, or anything at all really!